Clenching your teeth in a bout of stress may seem harmless, but it actually does more harm than good. Teeth clenching and tooth grinding are symptoms of bruxism, a condition in which a patient performs these actions while awake or asleep. When bruxism occurs during sleep, however, it may be a symptom of an underlying condition such as obstructive sleep apnea. Fortunately, regardless of the cause, Dr. Dennis Morehart, DDS provides a service to treat the problem.
A patient who suffers from nocturnal bruxism can benefit from wearing a night guard during sleep. The purpose of a night guard is to alleviate pressure that is put on the jaw and to create better airflow during sleep. Wearing a night guard protects teeth from further damage and from becoming worn down, broken, or cracked. Bruxism cases can range from mild to severe, depending on which kind you are diagnosed with, treatment options may vary.
If you have questions or concerns about bruxism, give us a call. To learn about services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Dennis Morehart, DDS in Enid, OK, call 580-237-2213.